2015年9月11日 星期五

達爾文進化論是真理;南非新發現兩三百萬年前 Homo Naledi 人化石


台灣反宗教者聯盟  台灣反基督教者 台灣無神論者  台灣達爾文主義者  陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 

9 10 日一研究單位公佈在南非新發現的古代人類化石,被命名为  纳勒迪人Homo naledi),归入人类(Homo);现代人是人类的一员。因此,纳勒迪人可以看作现代人的近亲。

发现这15具尸骸的研究小组尚无法断定它们生活在什么时代,但负责这个项目的伯杰教授(Professor Lee Berger)认为,他们可能是200~300万年前生活在非洲的人属(genus homo)中的一支。這 15 具骨骸可能是被埋葬的,那麼人類埋葬史將從 10 萬年前開始大幅推前到 250 萬年前。陳哲認為埋葬很重要,它不止顯示埋葬者與被埋者的感情,還顯示埋葬者認為人類與其它動物不同。

"What we are seeing is more and more species of creatures that suggests that nature was experimenting with how to evolve humans, thus giving rise to several different types of human-like creatures originating in parallel in different parts of Africa. Only one line eventually survived to give rise to us," he told BBC News.


(上為 National Geographic 報導採用的 Homo Nadedi 南非納勒迪人想像圖片 )

A chronology of human evolution (按照發現的古化石年代的人類進化史)

Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 million years ago 四百四十萬年在衣索匹亞發現) : Fossils were discovered in Ethiopia in the 1990s. Pelvis shows adaptations to both tree climbing and upright walking.

Australopithecus afarensis (3.9 - 2.9 million years ago) : The famous "Lucy" skeleton belongs to this species of human relative. So far, fossils of this species have only been found in East Africa. Several traits in the skeleton suggest afarensis walked upright, but they may have spent some time in the trees.

Homo habilis (2.8 - 1.5 million years ago) : This human relative had a slightly larger braincase and smaller teeth than the australopithecines or older species, but retains many more primitive features such as long arms.

Homo naledi (新發現的 Of unknown age, but researchers say it could be as old as three million years) : The new discovery has small, modern-looking teeth, human-like feet but more primitive fingers and a small braincase.

Homo erectus (1.9 million years - unknown) : Homo erectus had a modern body plan that was almost indistinguishable from ours. But it had a smaller brain than a modern person's combined with a more primitive face.

Homo neanderthalensis (200,000 years - 40,000 years) The Neanderthals were a side-group to modern humans, inhabiting western Eurasia before our species left Africa. They were shorter and more muscular than modern people but had slightly larger brains.

Homo sapiens (“靈長類 智人”200,000 years - present) Modern humans evolved in Africa from a predecessor species known as Homo heidelbergensis. A small group of Homo sapiens left Africa 60,000 years ago and settled the rest of the world, replacing the other human species they encountered (with a small amount of interbreeding).


陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 CLM)

