2015年9月12日 星期六


人類是進化而來的。個人長期持三種論證,和下篇短文內容差不多。1. 基因生物學的證據 2. 古代生物化石學的證據 3. 生命科學觀察到的物種演化現象。
  台灣反宗教者聯盟   台灣達爾文主義者  台灣反基督教者  台灣無神論者  陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 CLM)

Why are scientists certain that human evolution happened?

For a number of reasons. We share nearly 99 percent of our genetic sequence with chimpanzees and bonobos, which strongly suggests we share a common ancestor. And there are thousands of fossils documenting progressively more human-like species in the evolution of our lineage after it split from the other great apes and later from chimps and bonobos.

Biologists have actually observed evolution happening in other species, both in the field and in the lab—the recent emergence of antibiotic-resistant microbes is a form of evolution. And animal breeders make evolution happen all the time—think of the tremendous variety of dog breeds that have been created from wolves.

【人類演化研究 Human Evolution Research網址:

【人類族譜 Human Family Tree網址:





