2019年4月14日 星期日


在美國「無信仰」(no religion)的族群自1990年初期開始大量增加,1991年至今成長266%,未來46年內可能將成為超過天主教的最大一群人。1980年代後出生的「千禧世代」更高達36%是無宗教信仰者,他們的前一代只有23%如此,再前一代嬰兒潮世代更少到只有17%如此。沒有信仰、反宗教是歐洲與北美的潮流,也將是世界潮流。

「台灣反宗教者聯盟」陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲)

美國無信仰人數首見超越天主教 專家:因網際網路發展
〔自由時報 2019-04-14 16:41 即時新聞/綜合報導〕


據《CNN》報導,東伊利諾大學(EIU)的政治學者,同時也是基督教浸禮宗的牧師榮恩(Ron Burge)長年進行信仰的人口比率調查,此民調的受試者超過2千人,且都個別進行過面談。民調指出,天主教徒佔23%,基督教福音派佔22.5%,而回答「無信仰」的無神論者則高達23.1%,這是進行民調44年來,首次「無信仰」者的比率超過天主教徒。



April 13, 2019
For The First Time Ever, ‘No Religion’ Is Now The Top Religious Affiliation In America
Inquisitor, Nathan Francis

The largest share of Americans has no specific religious affiliation for the first time ever, a new analysis shows.

The long-running General Social Survey looks at Americans’ religious affiliations and has shown a steady trend away from organized religions. As ABC 15 reported, the latest results piqued the interest of political scientist Ron Burge, a professor at Eastern Illinois University and a Baptist professor.

Burge noted that the largest share of Americans in the survey — 23.1 percent in total — say they have no religion. That is followed by Catholics at 23 percent and evangelical Christians at 22.5 percent. While the report noted that the margin of error for the poll means all three are actually in a statistical tie, it is the first time that the number of “no religion” Americans was highest among respondents.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that all of these Americans have abandoned religion, the report noted. Those with “no religion” include both atheists and agnostics as well as people who believe in God but do not adhere to any organized religion.

Either way, the result is unprecedented.

“It is the first time we have seen this. The same questions have been asked for 44 years,” Burge said.

Previous polls have shown that young people are moving away from religion at unprecedented rates. The Star Tribune explored in a 2018 report the trend away from church, which is taking place both in Minnesota — where the paper is based — and across the United States.

The report cited a Pew Research poll showing that 36 percent of younger millennials identify as either atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular.” That is up dramatically from past generations, with 23 percent of Generation X listing no religious affiliation and 17 percent of Baby Boomers doing the same.

As the report noted, the easy access to information about other faiths and about atheism is in large part fueling the trend.

“This disconnect between core Christian teachings and real life was cited frequently in interviews with more than 30 Minnesotans who have left the church,” the report noted.

The trend has been much the same across the globe. National Geographicnoted in a 2016 report that “no religion” is listed among the top religious affiliations both for North America and Europe. A number of countries are expected to reach majority secular populations, including France and New Zealand.


