2015年12月26日 星期六

【 台灣反宗教者聯盟:今日基督教依其本質與潛能仍是非常腐敗與專制暴力的 教宗方濟各批教廷官僚 15 宗罪及患了心靈的阿茲海默症 】




現任天主教教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)在今年聖誕節前數日,21 日在與教廷高層官員舉辦的耶誕聚會上,條列了教廷官僚的 15 宗罪或 15 項弊病,痛批官員已經患了「心靈的阿茲海默症」等。對個人而言這些罪名只是基督教的小病,如前所述按基督教的教義與今日教會本性,它本質上、潛能上仍是非常腐敗與專制暴力的。

「台灣反宗教者聯盟」陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 於 26 Dec 2015

教宗方濟各的 15 條教廷官僚小病新聞還是收錄於下:

耶誕節前說真話!教宗列「15 宗罪」轟教廷
自由時報 即時新聞/綜合報導 2015-12-25  10:59

耶誕節來臨,世界各地都充滿佳節慶祝的氣氛,但開明形象著稱的教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)不僅要教徒不要沉迷消費享樂,日前他更列出「15 大宗罪」,嚴厲譴責教廷的官僚文化。


阿根廷籍的方濟各是 1200 年來首位非歐洲籍、也是史上首位南美洲的教宗,他上任後以其開明作風聞名,更力促教廷進行改革

他在 21 日與教廷高層官員進行耶誕聚會上,更條列了教廷官僚文化的 15 項罪名,痛批官員已經患了「心靈的阿茲海默症」。


下中英文 為自由時報中文 15 條與華盛頓郵報刊登 15 條的中英文對照,其中英文粗體字為 The Washington Post 原文
1) “The sickness of considering oneself ‘immortal’, ‘immune’ or ‘indispensable’, neglecting the necessary and habitual controls. A Curia that is not self-critical, that does not stay up-to-date, that does not seek to better itself, is an ailing body. … It is the sickness of the rich fool who thinks he will live for all eternity, and of those who transform themselves into masters and believe themselves superior to others, rather than at their service”.

2) “‘Martha-ism’, or excessive industriousness; the sickness of those who immerse themselves in work, inevitably neglecting ‘the better part’ of sitting at Jesus’ feet. Therefore, Jesus required his disciples to rest a little, as neglecting the necessary rest leads to stress and agitation. Rest, once one who has brought his or her mission to a close, is a necessary duty and must be taken seriously: in spending a little time with relatives and respecting the holidays as a time for spiritual and physical replenishment, it is necessary to learn the teaching of Ecclesiastes, that ‘there is a time for everything’.”

3) “The sickness of mental and spiritual hardening: that of those who, along the way, lose their inner serenity, vivacity and boldness and conceal themselves behind paper, becoming working machines rather than men of God. … It is dangerous to lose the human sensibility necessary to be able to weep with those who weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice! It is the sickness of those who lose those sentiments that were present in Jesus Christ”.

4) “The ailment of excessive planning and functionalism: this is when the apostle plans everything in detail and believes that, by perfect planning things effectively progress, thus becoming a sort of accountant. … One falls prey to this sickness because it is easier and more convenient to settle into static and unchanging positions. Indeed, the Church shows herself to be faithful to the Holy Spirit to the extent that she does not seek to regulate or domesticate it. The Spirit is freshness, imagination and innovation”

5) “Sickness of poor coordination develops when the communion between members is lost, and the body loses its harmonious functionality and its temperance, becoming an orchestra of cacophony because the members do not collaborate and do not work with a spirit of communion or as a team.”

6) “Spiritual Alzheimer’s disease, or rather forgetfulness of the history of Salvation, of the personal history with the Lord, of the ‘first love': this is a progressive decline of spiritual faculties, that over a period of time causes serious handicaps, making one incapable of carrying out certain activities autonomously, living in a state of absolute dependence on one’s own often imaginary views. We see this is those who have lost their recollection of their encounter with the Lord … in those who build walls around themselves and who increasingly transform into slaves to the idols they have sculpted with their own hands”.

7) “The ailment of rivalry and vainglory: when appearances, the colour of one’s robes, insignia and honours become the most important aim in life. … It is the disorder that leads us to become false men and women, living a false ‘mysticism’ and a false ‘quietism’.”

8) “Existential schizophrenia: the sickness of those who live a double life, fruit of the hypocrisy typical of the mediocre and the progressive spiritual emptiness that cannot be filled by degrees or academic honours. This ailment particularly afflicts those who, abandoning pastoral service, limit themselves to bureaucratic matters, thus losing contact with reality and with real people. They create a parallel world of their own, where they set aside everything they teach with severity to others and live a hidden, often dissolute life.”

9) “Chatter, grumbling and gossip: this is a serious illness that begins simply, often just in the form of having a chat, and takes people over, turning them into sowers of discord, like Satan, and in many cases cold-blooded murderers of the reputations of their colleagues and brethren. It is the sickness of the cowardly who, not having the courage to speak directly to the people involved, instead speak behind their backs”.

10) “The sickness of deifying leaders is typical of those who court their superiors, with the hope of receiving their benevolence. They are victims of careerism and opportunism, honouring people rather than God. They are people who experience service thinking only of what they might obtain and not of what they should give. They are mean, unhappy and inspired only by their fatal selfishness.”

11) “The disease of indifference towards others arises when each person thinks only of himself, and loses the sincerity and warmth of personal relationships. When the most expert does not put his knowledge to the service of less expert colleagues; when out of jealousy … one experiences joy in seeing another person instead of lifting him up or encouraging him.”

12) “The illness of the funereal face: or rather, that of the gruff and the grim, those who believe that in order to be serious it is necessary to paint their faces with melancholy and severity, and to treat others – especially those they consider inferior – with rigidity, hardness and arrogance. In reality, theatrical severity and sterile pessimism are often symptoms of fear and insecurity.”

13) “The disease of accumulation: when the apostle seeks to fill an existential emptiness of the heart by accumulating material goods, not out of necessity but simply to feel secure. … Accumulation only burdens and inexorably slows down our progress.” 

14) “The ailment of closed circles: when belonging to a group becomes stronger than belonging to the Body and, in some situations, to Christ Himself. This sickness too may start from good intentions but, as time passes, enslaves members and becomes a ‘cancer’ that threatens the harmony of the Body and causes a great deal of harm – scandals – especially to our littlest brothers.”

15) The “disease of worldly profit and exhibitionism: when the apostle transforms his service into power, and his power into goods to obtain worldly profits or more power. This is the disease of those who seek insatiably to multiply their power and are therefore capable of slandering, defaming and discrediting others, even in newspapers and magazines, naturally in order to brag and to show they are more capable than others.”

2015年12月18日 星期五

【 生命最後階段的《病人自主權利法》 與「尊重人的主體性」道德原理 】





陳立民  Chen Lih Ming (陳哲)  19 Dec 2015


人生與倫理學的《病人自主權利法》 成為三報頭條
2015 12 19

蘋果日報頭條:三讀通過 人人可預立拒絕醫療

聯合報頭條:亞洲第一部病人自主權利法 5類重病者有善終權




2015年11月30日 星期一

拯救地球 拯救物種

 「聯合國氣候變化會議」(UN Climate Change Conference – COP 21) 正在巴黎召開,世界重要政治人物包括美國總統歐巴馬、英國首相卡麥隆、德國總理梅克爾、日本首相安倍、俄羅斯總統普亭、大陸國家主席習近平、印度總理莫迪等皆到期。有團體喊出這是「拯救地球的最後機會」(Last Call For Planet Earth。人類如果沒有知識,如果不能自覺、自制,人類滅絕也是有可能的。

一部《滅絕最後關頭》喚起全球對物種滅絕與氣候變遷注意的電視影片,12/2 週三晚間 9 點播出。在超過 220 個國家和地區,從紐西蘭開始到美洲,從東半球到西半球,都將於晚間 9 點首播!亞太地區更首創由 19 頻道 Discovery 頻道、動物星球頻道、Discovery ­科學頻道同步播出!


未來 100 年內,地球上可能將有 50% 的物種將消失!溫室效應、量產式農業、濫捕濫採、過度消費、人口爆炸以及巨量垃圾正在­造成地球上第六次物種大滅絕!現在就是人類歷史上最關鍵的時間點,我們現在所做的每個­決定,都會影響地球以及所有物種幾百萬年!本記錄片使用高科技手法記錄碳排放與物種滅絕之間的關聯。足以巔覆我們對於這個世界的認識。

此外,個人陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 CLM 今日在  Facebook 新設立了一個「台灣反宗教者聯盟」專頁,網址:

2015年11月23日 星期一

一幅人生真象的畫 by Martine Faseur

個人認為這是一幅好畫。至於作者,個人只知此圖片來自 Martine Faseur




日常死亡意識 陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 

2015年11月16日 星期一


個人長期主張「台灣第一大害是國民黨,第二大害是宗教」,並在 Facebook 等處設立「台灣反宗教者聯盟+台獨派」與「無神論暨反宗教論壇」社團等網頁。


民進黨競選 2016 年總統的蔡英文主席,今天選擇天主教徒陳建仁院士為副總統搭擋,個人認為主要是政治考量,沒有宗教考量。社會輿論一般認為陳建仁院士是位人格高尚的人,個人也認為如此,但在宗教方面個人與他看法不同。

十三世紀的 Thomas Aquinas 主張「哲學是神學的婢女」,即認為神學與宗教高於哲學。但哲學界一般視宗教為形而上學的一個派系,中英文的 Wiki 也持此見解。台灣天主教圈在哲學方面許多主張「新士林哲學」,但此派系在歐美哲學界乏人問津。以上是個人對天主教與台灣天主教批判的二例。「宗教是深度的學術議題」,非聽各宗教教義但不研究形而上學、哲學與宗教學,就能適當把握住的。「宗教是非常專業的領域」,即使一般高級知識份子也不懂。個人長期在歐美大學研究形而上學、哲學與宗教,自認是台灣少數宗教學專家。個人認為,宗教對社會的效果絕大部份是負面的。



「台灣反宗教者聯盟」 陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 於 16 Nov 2015

2015年11月13日 星期五

人生的感覺 心靈被觸動的一刻

行動藝術家馬莉娜在紐約發表新作品《藝術家在場》(The Artist is Present)。她本人坐著,人們排隊與她對座,相互凝視一分鐘。突然她三十多年前分手的情人烏雷坐在她面前。在場觀眾都紅了眼框。


瑪莉娜•阿布拉莫維奇 (Marina Abramovic) 是位現代著名的行為藝術家。上世紀七十年代,瑪莉娜有個男友烏雷 (Ulay),他們曾經一起開著廂型車到處表演。當他們決定結束這段感情時,他們到中國各從長城的一端起走,走到長城中間他們給對方最後一個擁抱,就分開了。

2010年,馬莉娜在紐約 MOMA (紐約現代美術館,New York Modern Museum of Art) 發表新作品《藝術家在場》(The Artist is Present)。內容是她本人坐著,人們排隊與他對座,相互凝視一分鐘。無預警地,三十多年後烏雷座在瑪莉娜面前。其效果當然是觸動人心弦的。
請觀賞此事件相同的 viedo 網址之一:
此事件相同的 video 網址之二:
此事件相同的 video 網址之三:

2015年11月9日 星期一

【 道德是什麼? 道德的定義 The Definition of Morality 】

【 道德是什麼? 道德的定義 The Definition of Morality 】



陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 於 10 Nov 2015 

圖卡製作於 20150306

2015年11月7日 星期六

【 所有宗教教義使教徒道德水準低於俗人】


蘋果日報 2015110700:30 


美國芝加哥大學最近針對 1170 名年紀介於 512 歲兒童進行測試,看看哪些家庭出生的兒童最願意分享。研究人員先給受試兒童 30 張貼紙,並要他們選出其中最喜歡的 10 張。接著研究人員向孩子說明, 10 張貼紙屬於他們個人,但學校裡不是每個人都能拿到貼紙,問他們是否願意把貼紙分享給其他不認識的小朋友。

結果發現,不論信仰基督教或伊斯蘭教,出身於有信仰家庭的孩子反而更不願分享貼紙。負責此研究的迪瑟提(Jean Decety)表示,外界過去一直有刻板印象認為有虔誠信仰的家庭,可教出「更好的人」,但研究卻顯示,反而是沒有宗教信仰的人,更能無私愛人並和社會分享利益。迪瑟提說,雖然無法確認原因,但信仰宗教很可能讓人誤以為自己有犯錯的本錢,又被稱為擁有「道德授權」:「道德授權是以一種『好事』來判定另一件事為『壞事』,但很多時候根本沒有先加以了解。」



台灣反宗教者聯盟 無神論者 理性論者 人文主義者 陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 CLM) 貼文

2015年10月24日 星期六

【 超越文化差異 邁向普世價值文化 】


1945 10 24 日聯合國正式成立。今年 10 23 日為紀念成立 70 週年,聯合國大會一致通過一項宣告,重申「超越語言、文化和宗教差異,以團結所有會員國」,並「拯救未來世代免於戰爭殘害」的宗旨不變。

聯合國祕書長潘基文說,70 年來聯合國不分種族、宗教、國族、性別或性傾向的區別,已經帶給數百萬人自由,拆除殖民主義,打敗種族隔離,捍衛所有人的人權。

陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 CLM) 


2015年10月16日 星期五



Researchers find neural switch that turns dreams on and off
October 15, 2015

2015年10月9日 星期五

英國研究顯示 女人買春比男人還多



女人買春比男人還多 有人 91 歲還在賣淫
蘋果日報即時新聞 2015100910:22

英國伯明翰大學 (Universities of Birmingham) 近日一份研究顯示,現在的女性其實比男性更愛買春,而有性工作者已經年齡 91 歲,依舊在賣淫

據英國《鏡報》報導,該份調查在網路上蒐集性工作者名冊,並調查 27000 名性工作者。當中發現這群工作者的年齡最小 18 歲,最長竟然達 91 歲,而且有 3 分之 2 的性工作者是男性,專門為女客戶服務。調查也顯示,女人賣春比起男人較精打細算,因此男妓賺得會比妓女少。


Sex worker aged 91 discovered by researchers while women are now hiring escorts more than men
英國鏡報 “Mirror” 23:18, 7 OCT 2015

Research conducted by the Universities of Birmingham and Lancaster found the details of the individual among those of 27,000 sex workers in an online directory.

A study has revealed a 91-year-old escort currently working in the UK sex industry.

Research conducted by the Universities of Birmingham and Lancaster found the details of the individual among those of 27,000 sex workers in an online directory.

Their research paints a “surprising picture” of the UK sex industry - revealing it is now dominated by escorts working for female clientsreports the Birmingham Mail.

The 27,000 sex workers were aged between 18 and 91.

Around two thirds of the database were male escorts advertising to women clients, while around one in three sex workers were either male, transexual or transgender.

Meanwhile, the study also showed women are less willing to splash their cash when it comes to sex, with male escorts charging lower rates than female colleagues.

The researchers are now calling for an urgent “reframing of political debates” around the sex industry, moving away from the stereotypes that sex workers are “victimised women” and their clients are “predatory men”.

Dr Nicola Smith, senior lecturer in political science at the University of Birmingham, said: “These figures underscore the need to challenge dominant prejudices about sex workers and their clients, which mask the complex reality of the sex industry today.

“Debates about commercial sex need to move beyond outdated stereotypes that women are sex objects and men are sex predatorsdesire takes many forms, and the sex industry is no exception to this.

Dr Sarah Kingston, lecturer in criminology at Lancaster University, said there needed to be more debate over ‘The End’ campaign, which is calling on the UK Government to follow the Swedish model of criminalising the purchase but not the sale of sex.

She added: “The campaign is premised on the idea that only women sell to men and is based upon research which is over a decade old.

"These recent figures clearly challenge these narrow-minded assumptions and demonstrate the complex and multi-faceted nature of the sex industry.


2015年10月7日 星期三


10 1 日英國泰晤士報公佈的「Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016」,與 7 日美國「US News & World Report」公佈的「Best Global Universities Rankings」,個人讀過的兩所歐美大學都名列世界前百大。



陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 

“Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016” 網址https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/

US News & World Report “Best Global Universities Rankings” 網址:http://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/rankings

2015年10月6日 星期二



 陳立民  Chen Lih Ming 陳哲 CLM
7 Oct 2015

2015年10月3日 星期六

腦功能連結度緊密者 比較聰明; 人類生而不平等 證明進化論正確



英國研究來了 易發怒者「大腦連結度弱」
蘋果日報 2015093004:52


以牛津大學為首的英科學家,用「功能性核磁共振」掃描 461 名自願參與研究者的大腦,再分析其「腦功能連結圖譜」(神經元間的連結),與 280 項個人成就與行為特質的關聯。此研究昨發表在《自然神經科學》期刊。研究指出,腦功能連結度緊密者,是一般認為比較聰明者、事業有成、生活令人稱羨,如字彙能力強、記憶力異於常人、對生活滿意度高、收入及教育程度佳等;而連結度較鬆散者,多有負面特質,如行為衝動、易犯法、嗜嗑藥、抽菸或家族成員有酗酒歷史。

主導研究的牛津大學教授史密斯(Stephen Smith)稱,功能性核磁共振可看出腦細胞如何在大腦的 200 個功能區傳導訊息,特別是主管語言或學習等高層次認知功能的部位,這種「前所未見」的影像資料有助了解智能的本質。(石秀娟綜合外電報導)


Particular brain connections linked to positive human traits

There is a strong correspondence between a particular set of connections in the brain and positive lifestyle and behaviour traits, according to a new study by Oxford University researchers.

A team of scientists led by the University’s Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain has investigated the connections in the brains of 461 people and compared them with 280 different behavioural and demographic measures that were recorded for the same participants. They found that variation in brain connectivity and an individual’s traits lay on a single axis — where those with classically positive lifestyles and behaviours had different connections to those with classically negative ones. The findings are published in Nature Neuroscience.

The team used data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP), a $30m brain imaging study funded by the US National Institutes of Health and led by Washington, Minnesota and Oxford Universities. The HCP is pairing up functional MRI scans of 1,200 healthy participants with in-depth data gained from tests and questionnaires. “The quality of the imaging data is really unprecedented,” explains Professor Stephen Smith, who was the lead author of the paper. “Not only is the number of subjects we get to study large, but the spatial and temporal resolution of the fMRI data is way ahead of previous large datasets.” So far, data for 500 subjects have been released to researchers for analysis.

The Oxford team took the data from 461 of the scans and used it to create an averaged map of the brain’s processes across the participants. “You can think of it as a population-average map of 200 regions across the brain that are functionally distinct from each other,” explains Professor Smith. “Then, we looked at how much all of those regions communicated with each other, in every participant.”

The result is a connectome for every subject: a detailed description of how much those 200 separate brain regions communicate with each other, which can be thought of as a map of the brain’s strongest connections. The team then added the 280 different behavioural and demographic measures for each subject and performed a ‘canonical correlation analysis’ between the two data sets — a mathematical process that can unearth relationships between the two large sets of complex variables.

They found one strong correlation that relates specific variations in a subject’s connectome with their behavioural and demographic measures. Interestingly, the correlation shows that those with a connectome at one end of scale score highly on measures typically deemed to be positive, such as vocabulary, memory, life satisfaction, income and years of education. Meanwhile, those at the other end of the scale were found to exhibit high scores for traits typically considered negative, such as anger, rule-breaking, substance use and poor sleep quality.

The researchers point out that their results resemble what psychologists refer to as the ‘general intelligence g-factor’: a variable first proposed in 1904 that’s sometimes used to summarise a person’s abilities at different cognitive tasks. While the new results include many real-life measures not included in the g-factor — such as income and life satisfaction, for instance — those such as memory, pattern recognition and reading ability are strongly mirrored.

Proponents of the g-factor point out that many intelligence-related measures are inter-related — suggesting that if you’re good at one thing, you’re likely to be good at the others, too. However, in the past, the g-factor has also received some criticism, partly because it is not necessarily clear if these correlations between different cognitive abilities are truly reflecting correlations between distinct underlying brain circuits. The new results, however, may provide an opportunity to understand if that’s correct, or if the processes in the brain tell a more complex story.

“It may be that with hundreds of different brain circuits, the tests that are used to measure cognitive ability actually make use of different sets of overlapping circuits,” explains Professor Smith. “We hope that by looking at brain imaging data we’ll be able to relate connections in the brain to the specific measures, and work out what these kinds of test actually require the brain to do.”

The team will continue to pursue this investigation as the set of Human Connectome Project data sets made available to researchers increases.

A report of the research, entitled ‘A positive-negative mode of population covariation links brain connectivity, demographics and behavior ’ is published in Nature Neuroscience. doi:10.1038/nn.4125
The work was supported by the US National Institutes of Health and the Wellcome Trust.
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